PT. Quality Management Indonesia

What is ISO/IEC 20000 IT Service Management System?.

ISO/IEC 20000 is the first internationally recognised standard for IT service management. The standard is published in two parts: ISO/IEC 20000-1 outlines requirements for developing and implementing an IT management system; and ISO/IEC 20000-2 explains best practice for service management. The standard outlines how to implement IT services that are driven by and support business objectives – rather than just technology needs. Both parts of the standard have been revised to support ITIL which include ITIL process and ITIL framework – showing you how to increase capacity and performance.

Designed to help organizations deliver effective managed IT services to customers and maintain those standards overtime. ISO/IEC 20000 helps organizations efficiently deliver quality IT Service Management through a comprehensive process approach.

Certification Process Requirements Online Registration
Benefits of ISO 20000-1 certified :

- Achieve international best practice standards of IT management

- It provides a Service Management Framework.

- It helps in the improvement of Service Delivery.

- It helps in the continuous improvement through measurement

- Service Deliveries are more consistent, cost-effective with predicted outcomes in most cases.

- Help in the migration of IT Driven environment to Business Goals Driven environments

- Helps in the Risk Assessment and Mitigation activities

- Already trusted by organizations across the globe.

- More customer confidence means more businessed organization

- ISO/IEC 2000 is compatible with ITIL to support continual improvement

PT.Quality Management Indonesia focuses on several scopes according to the competency standards of our experts and auditors. We will continue to improve our personnel competency standard to expand the scope of our certification.

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